Departure day: Biggin Hill to Avignon

Leading up to departure day, it became clear that weather was going to mean a change of plan. Instead of routing to La Rochelle  and then on to Seville, it was necessary to set out southwards for Avignon to keep ahead of a cold front generating icing at our cruising levels.

Phil flew this leg. We left Biggin Hill in rain, strong winds and low cloud. By the French coast, the cloud was beginning to thin and we could see the odd breaks and by Troyes, we started to see the ground but still with thick cloud above us. This eventually started to clear as we approached the Rhone valley with a setting sun to the west lighting up the Alps to the east as the two in flight pictures show.

Snow covered Alps
Beautiful view of the snow covered Alps to the east of the Rhone Valley


Setting sun
Setting sun to the west of the Rhone Valley


We arrived at Avignon as dusk fell and refuelling was quick as the BP man was refuelling an R44 helicopter nearby. Then a quick walk to the nearby Best Western hotel and post flight beer.

Biggin Hill to Avignon: 545 nm in 3hr 40 min