Day 7: Aswan to Khartoum

Lake Nasser south of Aswan
Lake Nasser south of Aswan

A relatively relaxed start this morning for the 530nm flight to Khartoum done in 3hr 40 min. CAVOK weather all the way although some high cloud started to appear to the east as we approached Khartoum. Soon after departure, we got a splendid view of Lake Nasser to the south of Aswan which stretches for miles as the picture below shows.

We crossed the Nile on two other occasions later on in our flight; once about half way and the second time as we approached Khartoum, which sits on the Nile just before it divides into the Blue and White Nile. At one point shortly after crossing the border into Sudan, a Turkish airliner at FL360 helpfully relayed messages for us to Khartoum ATC until we were in VHF range. On arrival, we loaded fuel from a barrel requiring the use of the fuel pump and hose equipment I had assembled, but not used for our Oman trio last year. All worked well. Very pleasantly warm but not hot weather so thinking of you all at homeā€¦.!

Our Kenya permit has just come through covering our itinerary round the country including the two safari strips we are flying into so we are off there early tomorrow. Gramet suggests we may see our first proper cloud since we left Crete on Saturday.